With a lifetime devoted to looking after the interests of others, a hard-working care assistant was due a little ‘me’ time.
Nicola had quietly suffered from a knock in confidence thanks to what she describes as a ‘very large overbite’ and uneven teeth.
But now the 44-year-old, from Neath in Wales, had reclaimed her smile thanks to Cfast’s cosmetic teeth-straightening treatment.
Her dazzling new smile was created in less than three months and, according to Nicola, it's the best investment she has even made.
She explains: ‘I’m a care assistant for the local authority. I never had braces when I was younger, but I was always self-conscious of my very large overbite and uneven teeth.’
Keen to address this deep overbite and crooked smile – and fix her confidence – she sought the help of dentist Mark Truman at Oasis Dental Care in Neath.
Nicola says: ‘Mark was amazing with me. He gave me an X-ray first as he had a little concern with one tooth. He talked me through everything. The X-ray was fine so we went straight ahead.
‘I chose Cfast because it promises results in a short timescale. I also liked the fact that they were clear.’
Treatment took 11 weeks exactly – from the appointment where Nicola had the braces fitted to them coming off.
She says: ‘I could not believe it. Mark told me to take paracetamol for first few days but I didn't need to take one – It didn't hurt a bit! No one noticed I had braces at all. I told four friends about them – who have also had them done and, like myself, are over the moon.’

200% happy
Nicola says it definitely boosted her confidence in her smile.
‘After the braces came off, Mark put a tiny infill into one little gap to make the smile perfect. He made sure I was 100% happy before leaving. I wasn't. I was 200% happy!’
According to experts, Nicola is not the only person to enjoy rocketing confidence post treatment.
We are very often inspired by the smiles of others. With the plethora of social media pictures of celebrities showing off their newly straightened smiles, it's no surprise more of us are following suit.
And, as an increasing number of us choose to get improved, straight smiles with braces experts report that, once we have undergone orthodontic treatment, we are experiencing a boost in self-esteem and, more often that not, our quality of life is improved massively, too.
Cfast is a gentle, minimally invasive short-term orthodontic treatment for adults that uses sound clinical principles to straighten the upper and lower front six teeth – or, in simple terms, the teeth that show when we smile.
The cosmetic teeth-straightening system is comfortable, safe and affordable and uses tooth-coloured wires and clear brackets to gently straighten these ‘social six’.
The system straightens teeth in a controlled and predictable way and uses lighter forces than traditional orthodontics, so it is more comfortable as well as faster – major considerations for those of us looking to improve their smile.
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