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SDI Pola
  • My teeth are stained
  • My teeth are discoloured

SDI Pola is an effective tooth whitening system that is widely available through dentists. It is used to safely whiten discolorations in the enamel of the teeth which have appeared due to a range of factors, including age, coloured foods and drinks.

SDI Pola is an effective tooth whitening system that is widely available through dentists. It is used to safely whiten discolorations in the enamel of the teeth which have appeared due to a range of factors, including age, coloured foods and drinks, such as coffee and red wine, as well some medications, illness or disease, medical treatments or injury.

SDI Pola tooth whitening system offers a choice of options available. These options are designed to suit your lifestyle and needs while giving you the result you require. You can choose to visit the dentist clinic which provides a heightened whitening strength that provides immediate results, a take home kit for added convenience and an on-the-go option which allows for fast touch ups.

SDI Pola meets the needs of everyone thanks to their wide range of is available in a strength and application options

With in-clinic whitening results are obtained within just 30 minutes, while a take-home whitening system can take approximately between 5 and 14 days.

Most people will require periodic touch ups once or twice a year, however this can be done using a take home system. If this doesn’t happen, teeth will generally start to re-stain by the same things that caused them to discolour to begin with.

The cost for SDI Pola teeth whitening varies depending on the option chosen.

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Unsure which is the right treatment or practitioner for you? Arrange a no-obligation confidential call with our in-house Treatment Co-ordinator to assist you.

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