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Dental Implants
  • I have a missing tooth
  • I have a gap in my teeth when I smile
  • I need a replacement tooth

Dental implants are recommended if you have one, or multiple, missing teeth, designed to act as a replacement or artificial substitution for the root portion of your natural tooth.

Dental implants are relatively common, designed to act as a replacement or artificial substitution for the root portion of your natural tooth. Dental implants are anchored into a small pre-drilled hole in your jawbone in order to support a crown, bridges or to secure a denture in place.

Dental implants are recommended if you have one, or multiple, missing teeth. Used as a cosmetic and means of covering gaps, as well as a way of preventing remaining teeth moving, they are the perfect solution for those wanting to improve the appearance of their smile.

There are several implant systems available all with unique features, see below:

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An implant made from titanium is tightly fitted into the small socket created by the drill. The gum is then stitched back over the implant to cover the gap. Once it has healed, an artificial tooth will then be fitted onto the titanium post. If you are suffering from multiple missing teeth, you may not require an implant for each one as a single implant can act as a support to anchor a bridge or denture.

Dental implants can be placed in patients of any age, providing they have fully developed jawbones and they are of quality of bone. Most healthy individuals who have a good standard of oral hygiene are suitable for dental implants.

Once the implants have been put into place, the bone in your jaw must be given time to grow in order to fuse them together over the following couple of months before the false tooth can be fitted. On occasion however it is possible for the false teeth to be fitted sooner if the implants are stable. With this in mind, you may have to wear a temporary tooth in the interim for cosmetic reasons. If you already have a full set of dentures however, you are able to keep wearing them until your implants are healed, but they will need modifying to fit correctly.

Dental implants have been used to replace missing teeth for over 30 years and can last a lifetime if looked after correctly. It is always recommended to practice good oral hygiene – whether you have all you own teeth or a full mouth of dentures to decrease the risk of infection or decay.

Costs vary dramatically, but in general, a single tooth implant should cost between £800 and £4000.

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Brand Options


Established in 1985, Bicon dental implants are sui...



Biohorizons dental implants are made from titanium...


Biomet Zimmer

Biomet Zimmer is responsible for creating a number...


Dentsply Implants

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Nobel Biocare

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<strong>OsteoCare - the Patient Friendly Implants<...


Southern Implants

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Ask an Expert

Dr Mani Bhardwaj
Dr Joe Bhat
Mr Stephen Garner
Dr Zaki Kanaan
Dr Anoup Nandra
Dr Thomas Norlin
Dr Michael R. Norton
Dr Alan Sidi
Dr Johann Styger


Average Review Score 5 from 1 review
Would Recommend 5 

Eight months ago I had two teeth fall out next to a gap, so I had three adjacent teeth missing. Since then I have four or five appointments resulting in…

Eight months ago I had two teeth fall out next to a gap, so I had three adjacent teeth missing. Since then I have four or five appointments resulting in three new teeth (two new implants and a bridge) today. I have been extremely pleased with the service. Before the treatment began my wife and I were given a comprehensive explanation of the process involved and the dentist phoned me on the days following surgery to check on my recovery. They were also not as expensive as other practices.

The results of my treatment were worth the cost
I was pleased with my treatment results
The treatment experience matched my expectations

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