TV presenter Martin Roberts ‘delighted’ with look after hair transplant


Television presenters and tennis stars are among the celebrities undergoing hair transplants in a bid for luscious locks.

Homes Under The Hammer presenter, Martin Roberts, admitted his hair had undergone some changes, comparing his look to that of a monk.

Currently a contestant on I’m a Celebrity…Get Me Out Of Here!, he told the Mirror that he ‘didn’t like the idea of going bald’ and consequently opted for an eight-hour operation.

He said he was initially embarrassed but concluded that a lot of males have hair transplants but keep quiet.

He said: ‘If it helps you feel better, why not?’ – but admitted the procedure was extremely painful.

However Martin is apparently not the only celebrity to opt for a hair transplant.

World-class tennis player Rafael Nadal underwent a ten-hour procedure at a clinic in Madrid, Spain, media outlets have claimed.

The Spanish sportsman has previously boasted full head of thick hair but a thinning hairline could be spotted earlier this year as he took to the courts.

The process involves transplanting follicles into the area that is thinning – the same procedure that was undergone by footballer Wayne Rooney in 2011.

Plastic surgeon Greg Williams, president of the British Association of Hair Restoration Surgery (BAHRS), says he has seen an increasing amount of people seek out his services.

He says: ‘Most patients seeking hair restoration are men with genetic male pattern hair loss.

‘They fall into three age groups – young men with receding hair lines, middle-aged men with generalized thinning and balding areas, and older men.

‘However, there is no ‘typical’ patient and suitability for a hair transplant depends on age of onset, rapidity of progressions, family history as well as the extent of loss.’

Hair transplants produce permanent results but can take up to 18 months to see the final outcome.

It is usually performed under local anaesthetic and sedation, and it can take an entire day to complete the operation.
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