After several rumours, daytime TV star Jeremy Kyle has admitted to press that he has Botox injections, claiming he goes through the procedure two to three times a year.
The nation's Jezza, who is currently celebrating his tenth anniversary on the “The Jeremy Kyle Show” states he has no regrets over having Botox. He mentioned to press that his hectic schedule started to catch up with him, making him look “dreadful”.
In this recent interview, Kyle said that he first got it done when filming in America where he was flying 112 times over two years. He mentioned that he “gave it a lot of thought but I don’t regret it at all. I see pictures of myself before Botox and I see the ones after and I am happy. I am on television 1,500 times a year and it is a very small way, and a safe way, of looking a little bit better than I used to.”
In Jeremy Kyle's new TV show, ‘The Kyle Files’, he allows cameras in to the procedure as part of his discussion of the dangers of cosmetic surgery.
“Is that vanity? Some will say that. Is is silly? Some will say it is. But I’m not going to lie about it, why would I?”
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