Frequently asked questions about 'Buttock Implants'


Buttock Implants

What are buttock implants and what are they made of?

Butt implants are pieces of solid silicone that provide more definition to a flat bottom. The implants are inserted under the gluteus maximus muscle or under the skin and connective tissue on top of the muscle. Implants come in a variation of shapes and sizes. Unlike breast implants these cannot leak or rupture as they are solid silicone.

Who is a good candidate for buttock implants?

Most patients for butt implants tend to be on the thin side with a small, flat or deflated buttocks. They are usually looking for increased projection, fullness and a more shapely butt. If exercise has not achieved the look you desire, this is a viable solution. Candidates for buttock implant surgery must be in good health and have:

  • Flat or square buttocks with minimal curvature.
  • An imbalance between the buttocks and the rest of the body.
  • Minimal projection in the buttocks which causes clothes to hang rather than fit.
  • Patients who do not possess enough body fat for a fat transfer.
  • Realistic expectations of the procedure.

How can I prepare for buttock implant surgery?

Patients are always advised to stop smoking two weeks prior to surgery. Additionally, avoiding aspirin, omega 3and fish oil based products are advised. Your general health will be examined before surgery so it may be that certain medications must be stopped.

How painful is the treated area after buttock implant surgery?

Generally there is some discomfort after surgery but this can be managed with pain medication as prescribed beforehand. You will be required to avoid sitting as much as possible, spending a lot of time lying on your stomach.

What risks and complications come from buttock implant surgery?

With any surgical procedure there are risks associated such as bleeding, infection and scarring however these are quite rare.

Complications specific to this procedure include capsular contracture and a loss of sensation in the buttock area. Capsular contracture is a condition where connecting tissue forms around the implant causing hardness, implant edges to be visible and restricted movement. Even though this happens very rarely, the problem can only be resolved by the removal or replacement of the implant.

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