Avoid the knowing glances with the 21st century minimal scarring facelift, the Short Scar Facelift — for those looking for a little invisible nip and tuck.
What is a Short Scar Facelift?
A short scar facelift is known by many names, including a Mini Facelift, Babyboomer or MACS (Minimal Access Cranial Suspension) Facelift.
What is involved in a Short Scar Facelift?
A MACS or Mini Facelift is often done under sedation and local anaesthetic, but you may require a general anaesthetic. In a mini or short scar facelift, the incisions which are made in the hairline are shorter and don’t go behind the ears as in a traditional facelift. There is no cutting underneath the fibrous SMAS (Superficial Musculo-Aponeurotic System) layer; instead it is tightened and held in place with soluble sutures which reach down to your cheeks and jowls. It’s a less complex surgery but results don’t tend to be as long-lasting as a standard SMAS facelift. Despite its name, although the scar doesn’t go around the ear, it’s possible that the scar in front of the ear can be more prominent, as skin is gathered into a smaller area.
A MACS mini facelift will not remove eyebags or wrinkles around the eyes, and has little impact on creases between the nose and mouth.
How long is the recovery from a Short Scar Facelift?
The Short Scar Facelift is usually less invasive and complex than a traditional facelift, but you are still likely to have a wound drain — and if you have had general anaesthetic you will normally have to stay in hospital overnight. You will have a firm bandage around your head for the first day, followed by a lighter one that you will wear for the next week. Sitting upright as much as possible will help reduce swelling, and any bruising or pain will reduce over the next week or two. You should be able to return to work within two weeks.
What are the risks of a Short Scar Facelift?
Besides the risks of a general anaesthetic or sedation, the short scar facelift does carry some risks, as all surgery does. These include infection and bleeding (both from the wound and under the skin) and infection, and there may be some skin numbness. However, because the SMAS layer is not disrupted to the same extent as it is in a traditional facelift, nerve damage is far less likely after a short scar facelift; any numbness should be short-lived. Some patients may also lose skin or hair and be unhappy with the cosmetic results, either because they develop uneven pigmentation, or because the face appears asymmetrical.
How much does a Short Scar Facelift cost?
Prices for short scar facelifts range between £2000 and £7000, with typical fees of between £3500 and £4500.