Don't let piercings put a hole in your oral health


A leading health charity is calling on people to understand the risks associated with oral piercings after uncovering their remarkable popularity.

Research1 carried out by the Oral Health Foundation found tongue piercings are particularly popular, with 43% of people with oral piercings opting for them. A third (33%) of people had a lip piercing, with cheek (3%) and gum (7%) piercings much less common.

The poll also found that 13% of people with oral piercings had more than one, highlighting the current popularity of the trend.
The charity wants everyone who has, or is considering getting, an oral piercing to understand the risks associated with them and take the necessary steps to avoid the health problems which they are related to.
CEO of the Oral Health Foundation, Dr Nigel Carter OBE, discussed the hazards which oral piercings can have on a person’s oral health.
Dr Carter said: “Our research has found that a sizeable amount of people are choosing to have oral piercings, they have become a very fashionable form of self-expression but not everybody realises the potential long and short term damages that they can have on our mouths.
“Oral piercings are a major cause of chipped or cracked teeth due to trauma when they come into contact with the teeth; many people even have a habit of biting or playing with their piercing which can be extremely dangerous and can often lead to extensive dental work.
“The mouth also contains a huge amount of bacteria and is an ideal place for infection to arise, this is especially the case with new piercings as it is an open wound and needs constant care and attention to prevent infection. An infection can quickly lead to other more serious conditions such as blood poisoning (septicaemia).
“The act of getting a piercing is itself very dangerous as if done incorrectly can cause issues such as permanent numbness of the tongue, blood loss, excessive swelling which affects breathing and swallowing and in severe cases and increased risk of HIV and Hepatitis B.”
The Oral Health Foundation is encouraging people to fully research the health risks associated with oral piercings and if they still wish to have it done ensure that they do so with a trustworthy provider and confirm that it is done in a clean and safe environment.
Dr Carter added: "On a day to day basis oral piercings can interfere with such basic functions such as speech, chewing and swallowing, there is certainly a lot of things to think about before going out to get an oral piercing.
“But, as our research shows, many people already have oral piercings. Our advice to these people is to keep it as clean as possible, using an antiseptic mouthwash regularly can help to do this.
“Try to avoid playing or fiddling with it and having it come into contact with teeth, especially when speaking or eating as this leads to teeth wear which can lead to extensive dental intervention.
“If you are taking part in sports remove the jewellery to minimise the risk of any damage through trauma.
“Most importantly though ensure you visit your dentist regularly, as often as they recommend, to look after the overall health of your mouth and prevent any long term problems from developing.”1. Oral Health Foundation (2016) Your Say Survey Question, ‘What kind of oral piercing do you have?’ Sample 214.
Type of piercing Vote
Tongue 43%
Lip 33%
Cheek 3%
Gum 7%
Multiple 13%
The Oral Health Foundation is the leading national charity working to improve oral health. Our goal is to improve people’s lives by reducing the harm caused by oral diseases — many of which are entirely preventable.
Established more than 40 years ago, we continue to provide expert, independent and impartial advice on all aspects of oral health to those who need it most.
We work closely with Government, dental and health professionals, manufacturers, the dental trade, national and local agencies and the public, to achieve our mission of addressing the inequalities which exist in oral health, changing people’s lives for the better.
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