We’ve all been caught at an awkward angle in holiday photos – and usually banish unflattering photos taken by our loved ones.
But good for Amanda Holden then for sharing her husband’s candid shot of her sleeping on a plane trip to their holiday break.
According to her Instagram post, her husband ‘takes pictures of me asleep on various trips across the world’ and adds fellow judge, Piers Morgan has ‘fierce competition’ when it comes to #3chins.
We can all appear to have one or two chins too many – depending on camera angle and the position of our head.
But what treatments are available should we wish to improve signs of ageing or we have unwanted fat in the chin area?
The so-called double chin is an extremely common concern among men and women alike and even a small amount of fat in the lower chin area can really be a most undesirable bother.
A double chin can age us or appear heavier than we really are and fat just seems to like to accumulate there. It may even be in our genes.
And these days even our smartphones, tablets and laptops could be giving us a double chin.
Technology may make life more convenient but with it comes serious beauty issues, such as text neck – a modern-day phenomenon that is having a detrimental effect on our defined profile.
With all that time spent looking at our electronic devices, our neck is spending too much time in an arch position.
To address an unwanted double chin, the new Strawberry Laser device works to remove fat deposits and uses the same technology that has been used successfully for years for body reshaping.
Extensive research has allowed the technology to be modified and adapted for specific application for the central neck/double chin area.
It is a completely non-invasive and pain free and involved the fat cells being gently ‘tricked’ into emptying on their own – just like they would if they could respond to diet or exercise.
A few minutes of a special laser light that you can’t even feel on your skin creates this reaction in the fat underneath.
Additionally, Silhouette Soft can restore our natural contours.
The clinician uses sutures to gently lift the skin and smooth out wrinkles and achieves a more natural looking rejuvenation.
Because it is non-surgical, there are no scalpels or general anesthetic involved and it takes less than an hour to carry out.
There is very little bruising, too, and the effects of the treatment get better over time.
Collagen diminishes in all of us as we age, so patients also love the fact that the treatment stimulates their bodies own collagen production, gradually, for three months after treatment.
Meanwhile, the Nefertiti neck lift uses Botox injections to lift the neck and define the jawline.
The results take a good two to three weeks to notice and you may require top ups every three to six months.
And if you are looking for something more permanent, a neck lift can address saggy or excess skin and gets rid of those wrinkles and saggy bands or lines.
The fatty tissue is removed with a combination of liposuction to get rid of excess fat and platysmaplasty to tighten the skin. There will be some amount of bruising or swelling and, as it is invasive it comes with risk, you will need a general anaesthetic and a hospital stay – and you’ll have to avoid the gym for about a month.
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