Whether you want to be nipped, tucked or plumped, the beauty industry can offer you a procedure for anything, with an astonishing growth over the last decade.
Even though breast and fat removal surgeries are still some of the most popular procedures, technological advances now mean that less invasive options are growing in the industry. 90% of cosmetic procedure enquiries are now non-surgical treatments such as Botox and dermal fillers.
With this growth, comes the potential risk to both practitioners and patients. Legal loopholes can leave consumers vulnerable to serious health risks and practitioners open to legal proceedings. Statistics show that clinical negligence claims against cosmetic surgeons have risen significantly in the last two decades.
A primary concern within the industry is the qualifications of the surgeons, as this can affect the standard of the cosmetic surgery procedure and the results. While advanced training is required to claim you are a 'plastic surgeon', any doctor on the general register can claim they are a 'cosmetic surgeon' which could be misleading.
However, with technological advances and more consumer awareness, cosmetic surgery may soon be much more carefree. The cosmetic industry is set to be worth £3.6 billion in 2015. Despite high risks during plastic surgery, the boom in non-invasive procedures means that this industry is predicted to have a brighter future.
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