New technology may soon mean seeing ourselves post-cosmetic treatment before we’ve undergone a procedure.
A cosmetic clinician in Oz has developed the 3D imaging techniques to help prospective patients make the right choices.
Firstly, he is testing it to assess the overall appearance following dermal fillers.
So far, he has used 3D camera to scan the faces of 200 patients who underwent treatment and the software then produces a 3D contour map to illustrate the ‘plumped up’ areas.
He hopes this will form the basis of an algorithm that will predict the results of how others will look after having dermal fillers.
New Scientist reports that predicting the results of Botox may prove more of a challenge because it affects movement rather than volume.
The technology also doesn’t allow for variations in the elasticity of skin.
The technology has been welcomed by plastic surgeons in Australia.
However, some caution that patients need to understand that it is not an exact replica of how they will look but they do acknowledge this new development will help patients visualise predicted results.
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