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  • I have stubborn fat
  • I have cellulite
  • My skin is saggy

Exilis is a revolutionary procedure that uses heat to dissolve away fatty deposits – all whilst tightening up loose skin in the area. The treatment can be used on the face, neck, body, legs, arms, thighs, tummy and jawline.

If you have areas on the body that you wish to change, but are finding it difficult to do so, Exilis could help to give you your confidence back. Exilis is a revolutionary procedure that uses heat to dissolve away fatty deposits – all whilst tightening up loose skin in the area. The treatment can be used on the face, neck, body, legs, arms, thighs, tummy and jawline, and once these fat cells are destroyed, they do not return. This therefore offers a long-term solution to sculpting and shaping the body. The revolutionary targeted heat treatment leaves any area of the body looking shaped and contoured, however it is important to remember that this is not a procedure designed to replace a healthy lifestyle.

During the procedure, the Exilis device is computer-controlled and seamlessly moves over the treatment area. The heat will cause your skin to become warm which you will feel right into your skin – similar to a ‘deep heat’ sensation – as the Exilis RF energy is carried to the layers of the skin. The therapy essentially causes the collagen support tissues to tighten and remodel. The base of the applicator provides a cooling aid to your skin’s surface, while the system’s thermometer allows the operator to maintain constant temperatures. All of this helps to keep you comfortable and released during the treatment.

The treatment uses established radio frequency along with ultrasound technology in order to achieve the desired effect. Targeting these different types of energy on the treatment area is what causes the deeper layers of skin to react with the heat and cause the fat cells to fade away. This then allows the body’s defences to break down the fat cells naturally.

Exilis Elite is also designed to stimulate collagen production, which causes skin tissue to tighten and remodel naturally over time. As a result skin to appears firmer and smoother, and as a result, more youthful.

Unlike liposuction and other invasive forms of cellulite and fat removal procedures, the Exilis Elite treatment is non-invasive. This results in faster recovery times, improved comfort and eliminates the need for incisions.

Cost vary depending on the treatment area, but expect to pay around £300 per session.

Speak to our Treatment Coordinator

Unsure which is the right treatment or practitioner for you? Arrange a no-obligation confidential call with our in-house Treatment Co-ordinator to assist you.

Call   0333 567 0610   or   Request a Call back

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