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Metal Fixed Braces
  • My teeth are wonky
  • My teeth are misaligned

Metal Fixed Braces, often referred to as 'Train Tracks' is the most common orthodontic solution and can be used to correct a large number of teeth or to target smaller, specific areas. Patients can choose between gold or silver colour metal fixed braces.

Metal brackets are linked together using wire and then glued to the teeth to slowly improve their alignment over time. This a common orthodontic solution and can be used to correct a large number of teeth or to target smaller, specific areas.

Patients can choose between gold or silver colour metal fixed braces. These braces are incredibly strong and can endure many kinds of daily wear and tear.

Elastic rubber bands or ‘ligatures’ are installed with the metal fixed braces in order to keep the brackets attached together and to keep the arched shape intact. Metal fixed braces can be quite large due to the material they are made from. Although the aesthetic appearance of this orthodontic solution has improved greatly over time, many can be put off by the size of the braces. However, metal fixed braces remain a very traditional and popular option amidst the invention of newer orthodontic procedures.

You can expect to see the results of metal fixed braces around the 12-24 month point, but if they are being used to treat a severe, complicated problem then it may take a little longer. Your orthodontist or dentist will recommend the specific type of brace that will work best for the issue that is being treated. Metal fixed braces work best when the patient follows instructions given to them by their dentist. If you fail to do this or if your braces get damaged then the treatment will be delayed.

Your mouth will take a couple of days to fully adjust to the brace that has just been attached inside it. Braces can put pressure on the teeth and many patients experience some level of discomfort because of this when they are first fitted and again after the regular adjustments. This pain is not severe and standard painkillers can often help it to subside.

If you are being treated at a private dentist, metal braces can cost between £2,000- £2,500.

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