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Male Breast Reduction (Gynaecomastia)
  • I have oversized male breasts
  • I have man boobs
  • I have saggy breasts

Male breast reduction (Gynaecomastia) can be achieved through either surgery or liposuction. Whichever option is selected, the aim of the treatment is to create a chest area that is both aesthetic and stable.

Oversized male breasts, medically referred to as gynaecomastia, can be the result of being obese, which can lead to breast tissue growth as the amount of oestrogen increases, or an imbalance in the hormones. For men experiencing this condition, breast reduction surgery is an elective option. If the patient has lost a lot of weight, resulting in the skin around the breast sagging, the treatment can also be performed to tighten the skin. However, the treatment isn’t suitable for all patients and your consultant should discuss your condition and potential treatment options with you.

Male breast reduction can be achieved through either surgery or liposuction. Whichever option is selected, the aim of the treatment is to create a chest area that is both aesthetic and stable.

Liposuction is the technique most commonly used to shape smaller breasts that are mostly made up of fatty tissue where the skin has good elasticity and tone. Liposuction involves sucking out the excess fatty tissue through several small incisions.
There are several different options for surgery to reduce the breasts and the technique that is picked will depend on the patient’s skin elasticity and size of the individual’s breast. In most cases, an incision will be made around half of the areola, the surgeon will then make a vertical incision followed by one that follows the curve of the breast crease. The surgeon is then able to remove excess tissue and reshape the breast.
For the majority of patients, there is a need to remain in hospital overnight or, in some cases, for two days. In the weeks that follow, some soreness and tiredness is to be expected but you should be able to resume many activities and move around. Bruising and swelling may also be present initially but this should heal relatively quickly, although it’s worth keeping in mind that it can hide the final results at first. 

Immediately after the operation, rest and in some cases, time off work is recommended. A full recovery may take several weeks and it can be longer still before you can see the final results. For some patients the results may not be visible until six months after the treatment.

An elastic garment will need to be worn around the area for several weeks after the surgery has been conducted. The amount of time the garment needs to be worn will depend on how quickly you are recovering after the surgery. You may have dissolvable stitches or ones that need removing. 

The majority of men undergoing male breast reduction surgery are only left with a scar around the nipple. However, if the reduction surgery was larger, there could be other scars running around the breast crease and vertically from it. 

Male breast reduction surgery typically costs between £3,500 and £5,500. Patients should be aware that consultations and follow-up care might not be included in the price. 

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