Dental Bridges
Dental bridges are designed to ‘bridge’ the gap be...
Dentures are used to cover missing teeth and can be removed from your mouth and be put back in whenever you choose. Dentures are created to suit your mouth and can be either full or partial.
Dentures are used to cover missing teeth and can be removed from your mouth and be put back in whenever you choose. Dentures are created to suit your mouth and can be either full or partial. The type of denture that’s best suited to you will depend on your own circumstances, including how many of your teeth you have lost or are removing and your budget. Your dentist should offer you advice on the option that best suits you.
While dentures don’t feel the same as natural teeth, they do look natural and are now more comfortable than ever. Many people find that dentures take some time to get used to at first but quickly become used to what is a very convenient solution to missing teeth.
If you need dentures your dentist should discuss the different options with you to determine which is the best solution for you. Dentures are custom-made from an impression of your mouth to ensure a comfortable fit and a look that matches your natural teeth if you’re having a partial denture.
Full dentures are made to fit over your gums while still providing comfort and allowing you to eat and talk. They are made of flesh-coloured acrylic to blend in with your gums. If you have upper dentures they will simply cover your palate, commonly referred to as the roof of your mouth. Lower dentures are designed to fit around your tongue and are horseshoe shaped as a result. If you have partial dentures they will be designed to slot into the gap where some of your teeth are missing.
Both complete and partial dentures can help to improve your eating and speech, as well as improving the look of your smile and giving you a confidence boost.
That dentures may need to be adjusted over time as your gums can shrink or your bite changes and this can cause them to become uncomfortable and loose. In some cases, you may need a new set of dentures or a modification may be able to be performed on your existing dentures to ensure they fit.
The cost of dentures varies with prices starting from £200. The average spend on dentures is £500.
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