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Qualified in medicine at the University of Liverpool, and after post graduate training in the North West, she became a partner in General Practice in Wallasey.

Dr Dolan is well recognised in the North West as having extensive experience in medico legal work.
Dr Dolan has a special interest in all aspects of aesthetic medicine and is trained and qualified in the use of Anti-Wrinkle treatment (Botox), Dermal Fillers, 3d-Lipo body contouring, Fotona laser, and chemical skin peels.
Dr Dolan has ensured that that she stays at the foremost in the field of aesthetics. She has aspired to remain knowledgeable in the new developments in treatments, technology and research by regularly attending conferences in the UK and Europe. She has also had the opportunity to attend many training sessions with several leading experts, well recognised world wide, who impart their knowledge to allow us in our clinic to offer up to date , hot off the press techniques in facial aesthetics , especially facial contouring and volumisation, skin rejuvenation and treatments for a variety of skin conditions often inadequately treated in general practice. She has been instrumental in acquiring devices and equipment to enable the clinic to offer treatments  for conditions such as fungal toenails, skin tags, acne etc. which are  not now readily available in general practice, due to financial limitations imposed upon our GPs.
“As doctors we believe it is imperative that our patients should have the opportunity to have a detailed discussion with us prior to embarking on treatment to ensure they have confidence that any treatment undertaken will meet their expectations, will be beneficial and have measurable positive outcomes”.

Distance: 180.71 miles