Naomi helped in the early days with word processing and running errands, gradually learning more about the running of the practice.
In 2008 Derek and Naomi got married and Naomi began spending her evenings and weekends helping at the practice. When the practice went computerized early in 2009 Naomi came to help more and more (mostly by pressing ctrl + alt + del). In 2010 Naomi finished her BSc (hons) in Politics and began working full time taking on the role of Practice Manager. Since joining the team full time Naomi took on the project of refurbishing the practice. She manages and the day to day running of the practice. Naomi has recently completed an Advanced Diploma in Management Practice at the University of Ulster and has just passed her written exam for her Dental Nursing and will complete her OSCEs in Febuary 2013. She has a great portfolio of CPD and really enjoys attending the BACD annual conference and the Dentistry Show.