Non Surgical Fat Reduction
Non-surgical fat reduction is a non-invasive proce...
Fat reduction treatments are used to remove unwanted fat and cellulite (dimpling of the skin). There are both non-surgical and surgical treatments for fat reduction solutions.
Non-surgical fat reduction is a non-invasive procedure which can tackle the concerns caused by cellulite and pockets of fat without having to go under the knife. If you are unhappy with aspects of your appearance but are not ready to opt for an invasive procedure, non-surgical fat reduction could be an effective treatment solution. It is important to remember that with any type of treatment, be it non-surgical or surgical, seeking professionalism is vital, and every treatment procedure can pose risks.
Non-surgical Fat Treatments are non-invasive and require no down time, recovery or any invasive procedure on your body to gain effective results.
Surgical treatments are invasive procedures on the body which change the physical body tissue and organs. This is achieved via a professional surgeon, and can be both medically or cosmetically inclined.
Surgical Fat Reduction currently sits in the top ten cosmetic treatments, at spot number 7, with a 3% rise over the past two years.
More and more people are turning to cosmetic treatments as an approach to improve and enhance their appearance goals. Surgical Fat Reduction is suited to those who have struggled to reach their weight goals with exercising and beauty treatments, and are comfortable to tackle their unwanted fat invasively.
Fat reduction treatments look to help those suffering from pockets of fat or cellulite (dimpling of the skin) where gym time, or even the strictest of diets, have been unsuccessful efforts to enhance appearance.
There is a range of treatments of both non-surgical, and surgical solutions for fat reduction treatment, which all come with varying and different outcomes, and risks, but all with one goal, to enhance appearance of skin and provide effective, healthy results.
Outcomes will vary depending on the individual and level of treatment required, and whether surgical or non-surgical. This will be discussed on consultation. Some treatments may be more effective and long-lasting than others. Surgical treatments for fat reduction tend to have a down time, or recovery, whereas non-surgical fat reduction treatment have no down time or recovery, just minor bruising and swelling which clear up within a few days.
A regular exercise regime and a healthy diet is recommended to maintain both surgical and non-surgical fat reduction treatments.
Cost is dependent on the individual, number of treatment areas and level of treatment. This will all be discussed on consultation.
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