It can be a real challenge finding the perfect Christmas gift for our loved ones and, once you’ve done the designer handbag, sexy heels, chunky man watch or winter coat ‘thing’, there may seem very little to top it.
A romantic winter break away is always an option and New Year proposals are popular, too, but what if plastic surgery is on your partner’s wishlist? Should you be tempted to book them in for that much-desired procedure?
Is cosmetic surgery really THE best Christmas present ever – for him or her?
In a nutshell, the answer is no. The British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons views gifting invasive cosmetic procedures a bit like purchasing a dog for Christmas – there is so much to consider, it needs long-term consideration and it is NEVER an appropriate present.
They also condemn the concept of Christmas gift vouchers as a ‘cynical marketing ploy’ – a clinic’s ‘bad taste’ bid to entice patients into having procedures or indeed partners into gifting them.
Any procedure, whether surgical or non surgical, needs time for much consideration by the patient – as BAAPS says: ‘Unlike traditional holiday gifts, surgery cannot be returned in January, and exchanged for something more flattering.’
Undergoing an evaluation of suitability by a qualified plastic surgeon to determine if we are good candidates for a specific procedure is vital – and any decision about plastic surgery should never be made without a thorough understanding of the risks involved.
However well meaning your gift may be, plastic surgery should always be the choice of the person having the procedure. No matter how much your other half may talk about a desire to have a boob job or get a facelift, for example, the process is always best left to them.
The relationship between a surgeon and a patient is an important part of any elective surgery, so it also doesn’t make sense for you to choose one on their behalf.
So this Christmas, why not treat your loved one to a treatment he or she already enjoys, such as teeth whitening – or invest in one of the cutting edge toothbrushes that are on the market this year.
Let’s face it, making a gift of plastic surgery, especially if they’ve NEVER mentioned it, may just send out the wrong message and you could be seeing the New Year in as a singleton!
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