At YourSmileDirect, we enjoy nothing more than seeing the smile journey of a patient.
We love to see them go from shy smiler to glorious grinner.
The Three Steps Of The Smile Journey
To get a straighter smile in just 20 weeks it's as easy as:
Get A Smile Evaluation
Get your Aligners
Reveal Your Smile
1.Your Smile Evaluation
To get a smile evaluation it's as simple as either ordering a home impression kit or booking in for a scan in one of our Smile Clinics.
A home impression kit lets you make impressions of your teeth that you send to our lab. Once there, our registered dentists use the impressions to make a 3D model of your teeth that they can use to create a treatment plan for you.
Alternatively, you can head to one of our Smile Clinics (London or Manchester) where one of our dentists can take a scan of your teeth.
2. Get Your Aligners
Once you complete a Smile Evaluation you get your treatment plan, this is a 3D image showing how your teeth move over time with the aligner treatment to create your perfect smile.
At a price that is up to 70% cheaper than other options, YourSmileDirect makes aligners an affordable alternative for straightening your teeth.
3. Reveal Your Smile
Once the treatment is finished you can smile with confidence, showing off your best self with a straighter smile. To maintain that glorious grin we suggest you buy a YourSmile retainer to keep your teeth straight and keep you smiling.
Need More Convincing?
Check out our video below and jump into step one of your smile journey by heading over to!