Want to know a little more about Silhouette Soft Non Surgical Facelift?
Silhouette Soft® provides a lifting effect as soon as it is applied for an immediate and discreet result. A little like you want people to think you just came back from a wonderful, well-rested vacation.
The best candidate for Silhouette Soft is someone who is experiencing sagging skin.
It is recommended for people who are beginning to experience sagging in their face or neck but do not have excessively loose skin or drooping facial areas that might require more rigorous facelift surgery, where in this case Silhouette soft might be more appropriate.
Silhouette Soft provides a gradual and natural lifting and definition of the face, so you still look like you, but much younger and refreshed. Silhouette Soft can last up to 18 months.
Visit Dr Sophie at Illuminate Skin Clinic in Kings Hill Medway
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