With Christmas coming up, is cosmetic treatment ever okay as a gift?
It may not be something many people would ask for – indeed, Botox, for example, recently featured in a survey of Brits' most-hated Christmas gifts – but it is also an emphatic ‘no’ from cosmetic practitioners.
Offering cosmetic surgery as a gift can carry all sorts of problems as it means making arrangements for the procedure on behalf of someone else – and It is important to remember that the decision to undergo cosmetic surgery is a very personal one. What’s more, the patient themselves should always choose the surgeon because they need to establish a rapport.
Gifting surgery also commoditises the procedure – we should take care to remember that it is real surgery with real risks.
If a family members to decide they want to help with the cost, that is fine – but it is never okay for a family member to actually arrange the consultation, surgery and choice of surgeon.
While cosmetic surgery is not up on the Christmas lists of many, there are many other presents we all dread to find in our stockings.
Underwear from a colleague and anti-cellulite cream as well as, of course, Botox are just some of the most hated Christmas gifts in Britain.
A survey of 1,500 men and women, carried out by the makers of Marmite, recently revealed that, on average, we are given three gifts we hate every single Christmas.
Other much-loathed Christmas presents were mouthwash, slimming pants and gym memberships.
But just because cosmetic surgery should not be gifted, it doesn’t mean you can’t – or shouldn’t – change those features you are unhappy with.
You can take charge this New Year and find a treatment that picks up where gym memberships and anti-cellulite cream end.
So, although Botox may be among the most hated gifts, it is a safe way to banish those wrinkles and crow’s feet that you have always hated.
And with starting prices at £199, it should not take too much of a toll on your post-Christmas budget.
Remember, always do your research and make sure your chosen clinician is registered with the General Medical Council, and that the hospital is registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC).
This article was updated on the 15th December 2020.
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