See a dentist, be happy and don’t blame that cheese and onion sandwich
Getting rid of bad breath can turn a frown upside down. It’s official!
According to fresh breath experts, banishing halitosis can really boost our happiness. A new study published today reveals that, on average, people who suffer with bad breath are twice as unhappy as those with a ‘more fragrant’ smile.
The study’s authors discovered that those of us with stinky breath have a whopping hike of 500% more negative experiences than those of us who don’t, with the condition causing psychological issues such as low self esteem and a knock in confidence.
The Oral Health Foundation’s, Nigel Carter says: ‘Bad breath is a very common problem and there are many different causes, it’s not always down to that cheese and onion sandwich at lunchtime.’
Need to know how to prevent bad breath? Here are our top tips:
1. Clean your teeth for two minutes twice a day, using a fluoride toothpaste. Invest in an electric toothbrush – some of which have timers. Philips now has a new toothbrush with Bluetooth connected features that can track your cleaning skills and lets you know if you’ve missed bits or are scrubbing too hard.
2. And don’t forget those ‘inbetweeners’ – interdental brushes, floss or air flossers are essential for getting rid of food trapped between teeth. Remember, your teeth have five sides that need cleaning!
3. Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated throughout the day
4. Chew sugarfree gum to stimulate saliva that washed away food debris, prevents plaque build up, bacteria and, consequently, malodour
5. Use mouthwash daily
6. And, most importantly, see your dentist and dental hygienist regularly. There may be an underlying problem with gum disease and tooth decay, an infection or a hidden ulcer, or even life-threatening complications such as diabetes and kidney failure. Your dental clinic will be able to treat the problem immediately as well as offer oral health advice.
Statistics suggest that 71% of us would wish someone to tell us if we have bad breath, yet only 29% of us would be brave enough to tell someone they had bad breath. Be part of that 29% – it could just save a life!