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Strawberry Lipo
  • I want to reduce fat
  • My skin is sagging
  • I don’t like my stretch marks

Strawberry lipo can help to reduce localised areas of fat, smooth stretch marks & improve the appearance of eye bags.Three different low-level lasers are used to stimulate the skin, boosting the producing of collagen & improving the elasticity of the skin

Strawberry Lipo gets its name due to the unique shape of the machine that is used to conduct the treatment. It is a new system developed by Laser Lipo, industry leaders in weight loss technology.

Three different low-level lasers are used to stimulate the skin, boosting the producing of collagen and improving the elasticity of the skin. It can also help to reduce fat. Strawberry Lipo is a pain free, non-invasive treatment. For best results, up to eight treatments are recommended.

Strawberry Lipo can be used to treat a number of different problems, and as well as helping to reduce localised areas of fat it can also smooth stretch marks and improve the appearance of eye bags. It can even be used to help men who want to remove their ‘man boobs’ that are caused by excess fat.

Strawberry Lipo can be applied to traditional acupuncture sites on the body, including the face, ears and hands, to help smokers reduce nicotine cravings.

A Strawberry Lipo session is priced at around £500 - £1,000, but this can vary depending on the area that is being treated.

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