Nose Reshaping (Rhinoplasty)
Nose surgery, also known as a rhinoplasty, is a co...
Non-surgical rhinoplasty can be a great alternative to those who would like to change the shape & structure of their nose without the need for surgery. Non-surgical rhinoplasty uses dermal filler injections to make changes, avg results last 6-12 months.
Non-surgical rhinoplasty can be used to balance a range of personal concerns, including:
• A bump or hook on the bridge of the nose
• A crooked nose
• Folds on the nose
• An unsymmetrical nose
• A flat or low bridge
While rhinoplasty, or a nose job, is often a desired treatment many people are deterred by the complex procedure and the associated risks. Non-surgical rhinoplasty is therefore a perfect solution to those who would like to make temporary changes non-invasively to the appearance of the nose.
Non-surgical rhinoplasty uses dermal filler injections to make changes, often the procedure lasts for around 15 minutes. During the procedure, and your doctor will inject the dermal filler into targeted areas of the nose. Once injected, the fillers will be massaged into the nose, reshaping and creating desired contours. Most patients remain awake during the procedure.
Targeted areas are identified during a consultation prior to your treatment day. This consultation will also cover any concerns you may have regarding the treatment, outcomes, risks, approximate costs and realistic results.
Non-surgical rhinoplasty is a non-invasive treatment and therefore no down time is required after the treatment. You may return to any normal activities. However, it is recommended to avoid applying any product to your nose, or surrounding area for at least six hours. This is to prevent the risk of infection.
Results are often immediate, or appear within a few hours after. Risk is low, but in some cases, bruising and swelling can appear but will not last for long. Overall results will last between six to twelve months.
Non-surgical rhinoplasty is temporary in comparison to surgical rhinoplasty. This means that results will not last forever. Subtle adjustments and ‘top ups’ will be required as time goes by to retain results.
Over time the filler used in non-surgical rhinoplasty is broken down and eliminated by the body’s natural metabolic processes. How long it lasts for will depend on your metabolism but you can expect to maintain the results for six months to one year on average and even longer in some cases.
Price is dependent on individual and targeted areas. This is something that can discussed on consultation however, prices usually fall between £550-£700.
Nose surgery, also known as a rhinoplasty, is a co...