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IPL PhotoFacial
  • I have blotchy skin
  • I have sun damaged skin
  • I want to get rid of wrinkles

A photofacial is a 30-minute procedure in which intense pulses of light are used to penetrate deep into the skin. IPL photorejuvenation then causes collagen & blood vessels below the epidermis to constrict, reducing redness and age lines.

A photofacial, or “fotofacial,” is a 30-minute procedure in which intense pulses of light are used to penetrate deep into the skin. IPL photorejuvenation then causes collagen and blood vessels below the epidermis to constrict, reducing redness and age lines.

During IPL photorejuvenation treatment, high energy light waves are used to reduce or eliminate many common effects of ageing, including facial wrinkles and skin discolorations. IPL light also encourages the production of collagen, a natural protein that fills in wrinkles, making the skin smooth and supple. With each treatment, the results of IPL photorejuvenation become more pronounced. Five full-face IPL photofacial/fotofacial sessions spaced three weeks apart are normally required for optimal results.

The recovery time from an IPLTM skin procedure is often very short, as there is very little damage done to the skin during treatment. Depending on the skin malady you are seeking to remedy as well as your skin type, the redness that is present following the procedure may persist for a longer or shorter period of time. The side effects of IPLTM photofacial treatment dissipate within a few hours for many patients. For some patients, however, the redness or dark spots may take a week to fade. Patients treated for severe acne sometimes experience longer recovery times, though they are often amazed by the results when the side effects wear off.

People who have blotchy, sun-damaged, or discolored skin, or whose skin is affected by large pores, freckles, or wrinkles, may benefit from an IPLTM photofacial. The procedure is also quick and involves no downtime, making it a convenient option for people with busy schedules.

IPL Photorejuvenation starts from £80 per treatment.

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