Khoi Nghiem has worked all over the world as a management consultant and has advised mega corporations such as Shell and Exxon Mobile for more than a decade. He used this knowledge, passion and a keen eye for design to create UltraSmile* - voted UK’s Most Attractive Practice in the first year of opening.
Khoi enjoys running the business and the challenges of making it one of the leading Dental Practices of the World. He is involved in just about every aspect of UltraSmile*. He brings his vast experience to help create a truly professional clinic (voted UK’s Private Practice of the Year) based on a world class customer service (voted UK’s Best Patient Care) and dentistry of the very highest quality.
In 2006 Khoi was a finalist at the Dentistry Award for Best Team Member.
In his spare time, Khoi and his wife Judy, help other dentists realise their dreams of transforming their existing practice into stunning, award winning centres of dental excellence.
Khoi also enjoy spending time with his young family and his stunning but stubborn Blue Chow Chow dog, Yumi.
127a Basin Approach , Limehouse, London, E14 7JG
UltraSmile* is the creation of Dr. Thang Nghiem & his brother Khoi Nghiem. They have created a world class centre of excellence that leads the field in