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1989 - Graduated cum laude in dentistry at University of Rome “Tor Vergata”.1990-93 - Enrolled in a three year program at Boston University Goldman School of Graduate Dentistry, under the guidance of Dr Herbert Schilder. During these years he accomplished full-time clinical work in the endodontic department, as well as various teaching assignments, earning him a Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study in Endodontics. After developing an original research work he obtained his Master of Science in Dentistry (Endodontics).1995-96 - Clinical director, course of Endodontics for Periodontics, University of Padua.2003 - Winner, together with Dr. Franco, of the Garberoglio Prize for best Scientific Work at the XXIV Congress of the Italian Society of Endodontics (SIE).2008-14 - Teacher, Master Course in Endodontics, University of Siena.2010 - Winner of the prize for best oral presentation, Roots Summit 2010 Barcelona.

Speaker at several national and international congresses and meetings, (AAE American Association of Endodontists, Boston University Endo Alumni Association, IFEA International Federation of Endodontic Associations, BUIA Boston University Italian Alumni, ESE European Society of Endodontology, EFAM European Federation Association Microdentistry, AIOP Accademia Italiana di Odontoiatria Protesica, SIE Società Italiana di Endodonzia, AIOM Accademia Italiana Odontoiatria Microscopica, etc. etc. )

Distance: 105.31 miles