Should I have wisdom teeth removed before Invisalign treatment?


A patient questions whether she should have wisdom teeth removed before starting straightening treatment with Invisalign:

Dear Dr Thorne  I am 27 years old and am considering invisalign treatment, I do however have two wisdom teeth that have been giving me trouble and will need to be removed at some point.  Do you know if the removal of wisdom teeth will effect Invisalign treatment and if so should one come before the other? Many thanks Hannah

Dear Hannah 
Thanks for your question. It would be best to remove the wisdom teeth before starting your Invisalign treatment. This is because the aligners are designed to fit over all the teeth in the mouth and if your wisdom teeth are removed later, the aligners won’t be such a snug fit at the back. Your mouth will also feel healthier too. Invisalign aligners take about 4 weeks from impressions to fitting so this is plenty of time for the area to settle down after the wisdom teeth removal. Good luck, Adam.

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