Scientists suggest that a vaccine may soon be available for those of us suffering with chronic gum disease – or periodontitis to give its proper name.
According to researcher Down Under, the jab that looks set to slash the chances of needing antibiotics and any painful treatment, could become a reality within just a few years.
The team of oral health scientists at the University of Melbourne has spent a whopping 15 years fine-tuning the preventative vaccine.
It aims to neutralise one of the major bacteria that form with bad oral health, which destroys tissue and bone.
This works by triggering the body’s immune response.
According to UK statistics, some 45% of dentate adults have evidence of pocketing that suggest some level of current or historical periodontitis.
However, this is likely to be an underestimation of the true prevalence and that periodontitis is more widespread in the population that figures show.
With this new vaccine, patients will suffer less tissue damage and will need less intervention from dentists at a later stage.
Periodontitis can also impact on your overall health, so it’s important to keep your mouth healthy for your overall wellbeing.
Triggers, risks and effects:
Bulimia or anorexia nervosa
Although tooth surface loss through erosion may have a systemic link, it is also caused by diet. Frequent vomiting can increases the risk for decay. For those suffering with eating disorders, they may be malnourished, which can cause anaemia, poor healing and increase the risk of periodontal disease.
Cancer Researchers found that men with gum disease raised their risk of developing kidney cancer, pancreatic cancer, and blood cancers.
Women with periodontal disease may be more likely to deliver babies prematurely or with low-birth weight.
Diabetes and heart disease
As a diabetic patient, it’s important to manage your diets and control any negative impact it may have on your periodontal status. Many cases of diabetes in the UK are undiagnosed so make sure you see your dentist and dental hygienist regularly who can keep an eye. Patients with diabetes also have a greater level of periodontitis so regular dental appointments are key.
Hypertension risk
Maintaining good periodontal health habits may prevent and control hypertension.
Respiratory disease
Bacteria in the mouth can cause respiratory diseases such as pneumonia, especially in people with periodontal disease.
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