SculpSure Back and Abdominal Fat Reduction at LaserSculpt Clinic


Summary: A 47 year old female presented at the LaserSculpt Clinic in Liverpool with excess fat in the bra strap area, love handles and mid abdomen.

SculpSure body contouring was performed using 12 diode laser applicators requiring a total treatment time of 100 minutes. 

The result measured at 6 weeks was best observed on lateral and posterior photography demonstrating a marked reduction in abdominal girth, a reduction in the amount of abdominal and back subcutaneous fat and a smoothing of the contour of the body to create a natural sculpted appearance. 

Presenting complaint: A 47 year old female concerned with the appearance of her back and abdominal fat. 

Medical History: Attended the Liverpool LaserSculpt Clinic in March 2017. She complained of excess fat to the area immediately below the bra strap and across the waistline and mid abdomen. While she could cover this easily with clothing and appear slim she was due to go on a beach holiday and wanted to feel confident in a bikini. 

She was in good health with no other medical conditions to note. She took no medication. As an extremely busy beautician her diet involved picking at food when the time allowed. She kept well hydrated and drank alcohol in moderation. She did a limited amount of exercise and very little cardiovascular exercise.

She had never undergone other cosmetic procedures. Her menstrual cycle was normal and there was no possibility of pregnancy. 

Drug history: None. No known allergies

Examination: A significant deposit of subcutaneous fat was identified across the mid abdominal area, with asymmetric deposits to the upper back and bilateral love handles. There were no scars or significant stretch marks. There was skin laxity over the lower abdomen related to previous pregnancies. 

There were no hernias, divergent recti, cutaneous lesions of concern or evidence of other contraindications to treatment.

The client declined to be weighed. The waistline measured at the umbilicus measured 31 inches. At the level of the hips it was 36.5 inches. 

Pre-procedural photography was performed at 45 degree angles sequentially to map the entire torso in a neutral position and in exhalation with the arms above the shoulders to exclude them from view.

Treatment: Four 25 minute SculpSure treatments were prescribed using a total of 12 diode lasers. The first treatment to the mid abdomen employed a 4x1 portrait grid, with a subsequent second treatment with 2 landscape diodes across the mid abdomen with an umbilicus spacer. The love handles were treated with 2 portrait lasers to each side before a further two diodes were placed in a landscape orientation to target the asymmetric bra strap fat. Following the four minute build cycle a stepped increase in laser power was delivered until full power was achieved in all treatments by 8 minutes and for the remainder of the treatment period. The client had no significant side effects but did experience heating and cooling sensations and a feeling of either pinching or pressure depending on the area being treated. 

Following the procedure the client was advised to keep well hydrated and to lightly massage the areas treated twice daily for 5 minutes in line with the standard laser manufacturer’s advice. 

25 Minute Upper Abdominal SculpSure Treatment and Before and After Results at LaserSculpt Clinic

Results: The client returned to the LaserSculpt Clinic 6 weeks after the procedure. Evaluation photography was performed in identical positions to the pre-procedural evaluation. There had been a significant reduction in the appearance of the depth of abdominal fat. The back was far smoother and bra strap deposits had been eliminated. The love handles were significantly reduced. The client reported skin tightening across the lower abdomen. 

The waistline measured at the umbilicus measured 29 inches and the hip measurement measured 34.5 inches. The client was delighted with the results and reported increased confidence. 

Conclusion: SculpSure laser body contouring can reduce the appearance of subcutaneous fat in selective areas. The device is FDA approved for use on abdomen, flanks, backs and extremities. Procedural times are 25 minutes and results are visible typically 6 weeks after a single session of treatment. SculpSure does not treat visceral fat which lies within the abdomen. SculpSure should complement a healthy lifestyle. At LaserSculpt clinics nutritional and exercise advice is given freely. 

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