Making your dental trip a safer experience


Dentists and their teams are to be made aware of how they can make our experience in the dental chair safer.

The body that regulates the UK dental teams – the General Dental Council (GDC) – plans to encourage dentists to put our safety at the heart of everything they do in a bid to renew our confidence in the dental profession.

Dentistry – including certain cosmetic dental procedures – gets a lot of bad press, with the media full of news stories about botched cosmetic treatments and lack of access to their services.

Conversely, the good news stories of dentists picking up patients’ mouth cancers, for example, attract less interest.

However, the GDC now wants to shift the way it regulates dental professionals to encourage them to work in such a way that will avoid unnecessary risks to patients.

These plans are expected to be published on 26 January and will encourage dental teams to embrace further education and learning in the hope that this new approach will encourage greater public confidence in the profession.

Shifting the balance: a better, fairer system of dental regulation will be published on 26 January.
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