As soon as you shut your eyes, your skin cells go to work, repairing damage and restoring your complexion.
Claudia Fallah explains what happens to your skin while you sleep and how you can bring it back to optimum balance so that you wake up with a glow…
Skin loses moisture while you sleep
The temperature of your skin drops to 9 degrees Fahrenheit at night. Throw in a dry or overheated room, and you’re most likely waking up to a tight, dehydrated complexion.
Claudia Fallah tip: Drink some water before you sleep so you are hydrated and apply a moisturiser before going to bed. Also make sure that you don't over nourish your skin at night since this could trigger break-outs and can interfere with the process of the skin trying to regenerate, so choose your night care products carefully.
Cell turnover speeds up while you sleep
While you’re sleeping, newly generated skin cells at the bottom of your epidermis are busy pushing their way to the surface. You must remove dirt and makeup before you sleep to allow the dead skin cells in the pores to move up and out.
Claudia Fallah tip: A high priority should be that you cleanse your skin before you go to bed correctly so your skin has a chance to absorb the nutrients from your night crème or serum.
Damage is repaired while you sleep
Thinking you are busy during the day? Your skin is constantly fighting off free radicals caused by UV rays and pollution. At night, your skin does its best to repair this damage. Since time is on your side, your products also get the chance to work more effectively.
Claudia Fallah tip: Always use high active ingredients at night since your skin is more receptive at night. A good idea is also to go to bed by 11pm, since cell regeneration almost doubles at night, peaking between 11pm to 4am.
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