Invisalign expert Dr Adam Thorne shares some frequently asked questions


Dr. Adam Thorne is an Invisalign® Platinum Elite dentist. Only a handful of dentists in the UK hold this high Invisalign ranking and he has held this position for 5 years. To date he has completed almost a 1000 Invisalign cases and is a recognised provider of all Invisalign treatments including Invisalign Teen.

Q. What is Invisalign, how does it work?

Invisalign is the virtually invisible way to straighten your teeth. Using advanced 3D computer imaging technology, Invisalign can you show you the final desired tooth position and how your teeth will move there (known as the ‘clincheck’). Once you and your Invisalign provider are happy with this a series of clear custom made aligners are made for you teeth, to move them little by little. Each aligner is worn for approximately 2 weeks, gradually moving towards your projected final tooth position

Q. What are the benefits of Invisalign?

Lots! Invisalign aligners are virtually invisible — no one may even notice you are wearing these aligners — having minimal impact on your lifestyle and day-to-day interactions with others.
They are removable, so you can continue to eat all your favourite foods and drinks by removing the aligners. As they are removable it is often easier to brush and floss your teeth than with fixed braces.
They are thinner than fixed braces meaning they are often more comfortable to wear than fixed braces. As there are also no brackets or wires appointments with your Invisalign dentist is often shorter than those with fixed braces.
Invisalign also allows you to view your proposed treatment with virtual results before you start (using a program known as a ‘clincheck’), so you can see how your teeth are expected to look when your treatment has been completed!

Q. Can any dentist carry out my Invisalign treatment?

No they must be a certified Invisalign provider; having undergone special training to become qualified and proficient with Invisalign.

Q. How much do I need to wear my aligners?

They should be worn full time (day and night) except when eating anything, drinking anything except for water and when brushing and cleaning your teeth. The ideal is 22 hours per day.

Q. How often do I need to see my Invisalign dentist?

Initially for the records, then approximately 2 weeks later to review the proposed treatment (viewing the Clincheck) then once fitted, after another 2 weeks, appointments are 6-8 weeks on average apart. They are often much quicker appointments, with less time spent in the chair as no adjustments need to be made to wires or brackets.

Q. What are ‘attachments’ and will I need them?

Attachments are used to help more complex tooth movements, such as rotating or turning a tooth. They are specifically shaped and placed for those treatment requirements and very small tooth coloured filling material that is temporarily attached to the outside of some of the teeth. They are quite common on some teeth during treatment, but are removed at the end.

Q. Will treatment be painful?

Some people may experience a temporary mild discomfort for a few days, at the beginning of treatment and occasionally when they move onto the next aligner. This is normal and is typically described as a feeling of pressure rather than painful (some have described it similar to a new pair of shoes!). This discomfort typically goes away in a couple of days.

Q. Will I be suitable for treatment?

Invisalign can successfully treat a vast number of clinical conditions including crowded teeth, spaces between teeth, deep and open bites, cross bites and overbites. However only a certified Invisalign Provider can determine if you are a good candidate for Invisalign treatment.

Q. Are there restrictions on what I can eat and drink during my Invisalign treatment?

No. Unlike regular fixed braces with wires and brackets, you can eat whatever you want including your favourite foods, because you remove your aligners when you eat or drink anything. It is important to maintain good oral hygiene before, during and after treatment.

Q. How many people have been treated with Invisalign?

Over 2.5 million people have been treated worldwide!

Q. Will I need to wear retainers after my Invisalign treatment?

Wearing a retainer after any orthodontic treatment (including fixed braces and Invisalign) is vital to keep the teeth stable in their new positions. This can a fixed retainer (behind the front teeth) or removable (such as Invisalign’s Vivera retainer) or a combination of both. Both are required long term (for years afterwards, even for life to make sure there is no relapse.

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