Looking to buy one of the most cutting edge electric toothbrushes on the market?
Chris, a member of the Comparethetreatment.com community was chosen to put the new Philips Sonicare FlexCare Platinum Sonic Connected toothbrush through its paces and this is what he had to say...
How easy is it to use?
I found it very easy to use this toothbrush and to setup the app. I find that one full charge lasts a long time as that was often a problem with other electric toothbrushes that I had tried before, that they seemed to need charging a lot.
Will it improve my brushing technique?
The combination of the brush and the app has very much improved my brushing technique as I found I was pushing too hard when I first started, but now I have got it down to a fine art.
Will it keep my teeth white?
I have noticed a big difference in the whiteness of my teeth, which I put down to the technology in this brush to maintain the appearance of my teeth.
Would you recommend it?
I would certainly recommend this toothbrush, not only because it is a fantastic toothbrush that cleans my teeth with ease but the added technology combined with the app mean that you know exactly what you are doing when you are brushing your teeth.
Is it worth the price tag (£250)?
I can't say that this isn't a small amount to spend on a toothbrush but if you are looking to make an investment in your teeth and oral health then this is the best that I have ever tried and I would be willing to spend this sum of money to avoid costly dental procedures from incorrect brushing. I think that's important to remember when choosing a device such as this.
Is it nice looking?
I find the look of the device very appealing and proud to have it on display in my bathroom.
Does it feel nice?
It did take a couple of uses to get used to as I had been using a manual toothbrush for a while, so it did give me a tickling sensation when I first tried it but that soon disappears.
What are the results – short term?
I have noticed that the appearance of my teeth look brighter, they feel cleaner when I run my tongue over the surface.
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