How do Botulinum Toxins and Dermal Fillers Work?


The pursuit of a youthful appearance has been part of normal human behaviour for thousands of years and certainly shows no sign of waning, whilst in ancient Egypt Cleopatra used to use sour goats milk and scrapings of wine barrels applied to the skin (it works!) nowadays we have modern medicine on our side to give us safer and more reliable results. More and more women and men are turning to Botox and Dermal Fillers to get theresults they want, so what are they and how do they actually work?

Botox Clinetix

Botulinum Toxin, commonly known as a brand name BOTOX, is a purified protein produced by fermentation of a bacteria called clostridium botulinum. The protein has the effect on the body of causing a temporary muscle weakness for around 4 months. This means it can be used to weaken the muscles that cause frown lines, laughter lines and horizontal forehead lines. When used well it can create a natural looking result with a reduction in the normal wrinkles we see associated with ageing.

Dermal fillers are different in that they are implants, rather than medicines. They interact with the body mechanically, to create lift and contour, or to directly smooth out fine lines and wrinkles. Dermal fillers in expert hands can create significant improvements in many areas in the face, notable in the cheeks and area around the mouth, but also the temples, eyebrows, jawline and chin.

Botox and Dermal fillers are often used together in facial rejuvenation treatments, because the effects compliment each other and can create really remarkable results. Many clinics refer to combination treatments as the “Liquid Face Lift”.
If you would like any more information about Botox or Dermal Fillers please get in touch with Dr Simon Ravichandran and Dr Emma Ravichandran here:

Dr Simon Ravichandran and Dr Emma Ravichandran BDS have clinics in Bothwell South Lanarkshire and Hyndland, Glasgow West End.

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