With news that British surgeons have seen a massive increase in the number of us turning up at their surgeries looking for remedies to botched cosmetic procedure, we offer some key tips to getting it right first time.
According to a poll by the British Association of Plastic Surgeons, eight out of ten have seen a shocking hike in the number of patients seeking to correct failed cosmetic procedures during the last five years – with cosmetic surgery tourism driving up this risk.
Horrifically, in Canada this week a teenager was charged with assault after she allegedly performed unlicensed cosmetic surgery on a woman in the basement of her home!
In essence, always do your homework and ask questions. Use our website to seek safe treatments by qualified practitioners.
Once you’ve settled on a practitioner book a consultation and set aside some time to write down any thoughts and concerns you may have.
No clinician is going to judge you for whipping out a list of ‘must ask’ questions. Never be afraid to ask to see qualifications and examples of their work – the more experience they have the more ‘before and after’ photos they can share, but do make sure these are their own clinical cases and NOT stock images.
Your cosmetic surgeon will need to check you are in good health, assess that you have realistic expectations and, basically, that you are a suitable candidate for the aesthetic procedure you have chosen.
This will include them having to take a medical history and a physical examination, asking you about your aesthetic goals and – if it is breast surgery, for example – assessing your body frame and mass and whether they make a healthy fit with your preferences regarding size, shape and incision placement.
Your aesthetic surgeon should also make you fully aware of all treatment options available – and explain to you his or her recommendations.
A surgeon should also provide you with guidance regarding behaviours after surgery a detailed medical history and perform a physical exam to determine your fitness for surgery.
Consultation is an on-going process – not a one-off – so please feel free to ask questions throughout the process.
And don’t forget to ask about the total cost and any other on-going costs (some procedures may need follow-up treatment and regular check ups).
You may think that someone offering plastic surgery is, by definition, a plastic surgeon but that is not always the case.
Be sure to check a surgeon’s credentials on the special register on the General Medical Council website here [http://www.gmc-uk.org/doctors/register/LRMP.asp] and for which speciality.