DJ sings the praises of a cosmetic smile maker to suit her celebrity lifestyle


Radio host and DJ, Helen O’Brien, has joined the long list of celebs who have all embraced a fast, discreet and affordable route to a new, straight smile.

Here, she shares some secrets to why aligning her ‘social six’ (you know, the teeth that show when you smile) was on her top 10 wish list…

Helen O Brian

How old are you?
30 (shhh)

What’s your job and where do you work?
I am a presenter for both TV and radio, having worked with the BBC, ITV and numerous others.

Why did you want your teeth straightened?
I had always been paranoid about my lower arch canines – they were aptly named as they made me look like a bulldog! As well as a twisted tooth on my upper arch, I felt that, when there is a solution, there was no point in feeling unhappy with the appearance.

What are the benefits for the job that you do?
Having to appear on camera, looking your best is very important just to ensure you feel comfortable knowing that thousands of people will be seeing you. When watching back, the slightest imperfection really jumps out at you and can knock your confidence.

Have you told everyone you know that you’re having teeth straightening treatment?
Yes and they are all jealous! So many people have seen my braces and are now desperate to get their own. They really are hardly noticeable!

How long is the treatment predicted to take?
Six months, which so no time at all! I’m already a month in to my treatment and it’s flying by.

Have there been any drawbacks with the treatment?
I had a slight lisp for the first few days but I soon got used to it, in terms of diet I was on soup for about a week but you soon learn to eat solid food, although don’t try to bite in to an apple! I did worry about getting lipstick on the braces but luckily my worries were unfounded

Why Cfast?
Cfast has such great results so quickly, having seen what they had done for other people, the system seemed to me like the best option, not to mention avoiding costly orthodontics. Cfast is sorting that problem in such a short space of time.

Where can we follow your smile progress – and learn more about you, too?
You can follow my journey on social media – @misshelenia on Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat!

Music to your ears?
Cfast is a quick and gentle cosmetic treatment designed to straighten teeth in just six months and is perfectly suitable for those who have crowding or misalignment issues with their front teeth and want a fast, non-invasive solution.

So, if you want to feel more confident about your smile (without the usual complex and lengthy orthodontic treatment) then this cost-effective teeth-straightening cosmetic solution may just be for you.

And, with the option for clear brackets and tooth-coloured wires, you can undergo treatment without anyone else knowing!
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