1. Size matters – and no, we don’t mean the bigger the better! It is important to understand that one size does NOT fit all – and you need to select breast augmentation dimensions according to your body shape, rib cage and so on. Good surgeons will advise on what should and shouldn’t be done as well as what can and cannot be done. Be body aware and accept that the best surgery is that which suits you, not your favourite celeb. Truth is, the trend is now for a more discreet size – and that’s good news for those of us who really can do without the extra weight of larger implants. Post-op, the smaller the implants, the more they will feel like your own breasts, too, because they will mostly be made up of your own breast tissue.
2. This is serious – in our pursuit on enhancing our breast shape and size, it’s easy to overlook the reality of the fact that we are opting to undergo surgery. Elective surgery should never been undertaken lightly. It’s also worth noting that implants do not last forever and that 10 years or so down the line, you may have to have implants removed or replaced. Surgeons also recommend scanning regularly after they have been in place for that period of time, just in case of hidden complications. A consultation with your surgeon will highlight all these considerations. You will need to look at the whole picture – not just the ‘picture perfect’ look you’re hoping to achieve.
3. It can be a long journey – it may be an obvious one, but you cannot simply flick through a fashion or beauty magazine, select the breasts you’d like and – bingo! – you have a new cleavage within a couple of weeks. It’s important that you take the time to do your homework, read up on the surgery and who is best qualified to do what and why. Finding the right surgeon for you takes time and perseverance – and even then you may have to wait for an appointment. Consultation can take time as well and there should be a ‘cooling off’ period once you’ve booked so you can consider all options and even whether you wish to continue with surgery or not. As with any invasive cosmetic surgery, a commitment to breast augmentation should never be taken lightly.
4. Won’t a new bra just achieve the same results? – Of course, if you have come this far along the decision-making process, you may think you already know that you want more than just the shaping, boost or support results that good lingerie can achieve. Chances are you’ve tried padded bras and cup styles to enhance cleavage and so on. However, if not, it may be worth considering investing in some time to get properly measured to see if you can achieve the results you are looking for this way. It is important that you investigate all avenues before committing to any surgery.
5. Just how qualified is a qualified plastic surgeon? – Make sure you cross check qualifications with those on the website of the surgeon of your choice. The British Association of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (BAPRS) has a specialist register on its site – www.bapras.org.uk. The British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS) is based at the Royal College of Surgeons and was established for the advancement of education and safety in aesthetic surgery – http://baaps.org.uk – and you can find out more about surgery and surgeons there. Meanwhile, NHS Digital launched its Breast and Cosmetic Implant Registry last month as another step towards safe surgery. The register will list details of all breast implant procedures completed in England by both the NHS and private providers.
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