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Snap-On Smile
  • I need a quick smile make over solution
  • I have a missing tooth

Snap-On Smile is a removable cosmetic dental appliance that is preparation-free, injection-free, and adhesive-free. If you want a beautiful, white smile without any lasting dental treatment such as orthodontiocs, Snap on Smile may be the answer.

Snap-On Smile is a removable cosmetic dental appliance that is preparation-free, injection-free, and adhesive-free. If you want a beautiful, white smile but you feel reluctant to have any injections or drilling performed, Snap on Smile may be the answer for you.

Getting a Snap-On Smile simply requires two, short, painless visits with no drilling, no injections and no change in tooth structure. You can choose the style and shade of your new smile and your dentist will take an impression of your teeth. Three weeks later your dentist will conduct the final fitting and the Snap-On Smile can be fitted over your teeth

With Snap on Smiles, a straight white Hollywood smile can be achieved in just two appointments, where no injection or drilling is involved. Here is a list of the advantages that comes with having Snap on Smiles:

Completely reversible — you can snap your new smile on or off whenever you please
No injections
No drilling or shaving of teeth
Can be completed in just 2 appointments
Instantly achieve a beautiful white smile
Custom made, just for your teeth to give you the perfect smile.
You can eat with it, drink with it, and wear it all day. Simply take it off before you sleep at night.

The Snap-On Smile appliance is expected to last several years with proper care. This is the same length of time as other removable appliances such as partial dentures or tooth grinding guards.

Pricing will vary from dentist to dentist, but generally the Snap-On Smile will cost around £1000 per arch (top or bottom teeth.)

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