Labiaplasty, or labial reduction, involves permanently reducing the size of large or uneven labia (outer lips protecting the vagina) to a thinner and more appealing size and shape.
The aim of labial reduction surgery is to preserve the natural contour, pigmentation and sensitivity of the labia with minimal scarring.
With the effects of childbirth and age, many women can suffer from problems and defects with their genitalia which can make them feel self-conscious and unhappy, often affecting relationships with sexual partners. There are various surgical options available, which can address and resolve these problems.
Vaginal surgery is usually performed under a general anaesthetic and can be performed in two ways, either by reducing the excess tissue along the edges of the labia by trimming along the inner folds until the labia no longer protrude, or by cutting out a ‘V’ shaped wedge of tissue from the underneath of the labia, the edges of which are then sewn back together. This method leaves the front of the labia unchanged, making the evidence of surgery less noticeable.
Stitches will usually be dis-solvable to aid healing and reduce discomfort. Some surgeons use a laser rather than a scalpel for cutting to reduce bleeding in the area, as the laser cauterises blood vessels as it cuts.
Refashioning of the labia minora to a more natural and appealing form improves self-confidence and alleviates considerable discomfort. It may take however up to six weeks for the full result post Labiaplasty.
Discomfort and swelling should be expected in the first 72 hours, disappearing after 2-3 weeks. The incisions should heal quickly without scarring, making them unnoticeable. 1-2 weeks of rest are required before going back to work. Surgeons recommend waiting four weeks for sex and six weeks before exercise.
A labiaplasty costs about £1,000- £3,000.