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Liquid Facelift
  • I have unwanted wrinkles
  • I have fine lines
  • I want to improve the appearance of my skin non-surgically

A liquid facelift is a non-surgical procedure to reduce the signs of ageing in the face through a combination of injections which can dramatically rejuvenate the skin. A perfect solution for those who are not quite ready to undertake a surgical procedure.

A liquid facelift tackles the signs of ageing non-surgically using injections. It can eliminate and improve the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines and sagging of the skin. It is a perfect solution for those who are not quite ready, or do not wish to undertake surgical procedures for the ageing of the skin. 

On consultation, the liquid facelift procedure will be discussed in detail to you. This is an opportunity to understand what the procedure involves and what to expect, including potential risks and outcomes. It is important to understand fully what the treatment involves, and is a vital part to deciding on the correct and suitable fillers to use on treatment areas. Everyone is unique and therefore will have different requirements to meet desired results. Your consultant will assess and analyse your skin, identifying target areas to be treated.

The procedure usually takes around 50 minutes to complete.

The procedure begins with using a topical anaesthetic, which numbs the surface of the face. Injections are applied to the target areas on the face which stimulate collagen growth, and improve the structural loss from elastin, which in turn, provides a rejuvenated and uplifted look.

The location of the implementation of these injectable fillers rely hugely on the individual skin assessment, target areas and their requirements discussed on consultation. This why the consultation period is important to achieving the best results.  

Ultimately, a liquid facelift will improve the appearance of your skin by reducing the signs of ageing. Stimulating collagen growth and tackling elasticity issues will leave the skin looking firmer, toned and smoother, delaying the signs of ageing through tightening loose skin and muscles. The results from the injections will be noticeable immediately post-treatment, and you will be able to tell the difference in your facial appearance.

Results usually last between 6-18 months, and in some cases, patients will require a booster session. This is dependent on the individual and can be discussed and assessed on consultation, and post-treatment as time goes by.

It is important to note that the signs of ageing, such as wrinkles and fine lines, cannot be diminished completely, but can certainly be reduced. A liquid facelift looks to achieve this leaving your skin refreshed and rejuvenated.

Being a non-surgical, non-invasive treatment, a liquid facelift poses no downtime or recovery period, and so patients can continue with their usual activities immediately.

A liquid facelift also poses little side effects. Bruising, redness and swelling can occur but this will disappear as time goes by, and is only a temporary reaction. There is also a risk of infection and asymmetry, although this is rare. Further potential side effects may occur depending on individual. On consultation, this can be discussed and you will be given full information on all potential risks and post-treatment care. 

A liquid facelift is not recommended to those who are pregnant or breastfeeding, and in some cases, suffering from severe allergies. Again, this is something that can be discussed on consultation.  

Cost is dependent on individual and level of treatment, and treatment areas. This can all be discussed on consultation. Usually, treatment costs start at £500-£600.

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Dr Ifeoma Ejikeme

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