Body-Jet Liposuction
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Abdominoplasty, more commonly known as a 'Tummy Tuck', takes away any loose skin and tightens up the muscles. There are 2 types: Standard Tummy Tuck & Modified Tummy Tuck
Abdominoplasty, more commonly known as a tummy tuck, takes away any loose skin and tightens up the muscles. In addition, it can also get rid of stretch marks that often make patients feel self-conscious. Having a tummy tuck results in a more svelte figure.
There are two different ways that the tummy tuck can be carried out, both of which are detailed below. Which one you undergo will depend on your individual circumstances. Both take about three hours and you will be given general anaesthetic beforehand to ensure a pain free experience. This will mean that you have to stay in hospital for at least a couple of nights.
Standard tummy tuck
In the standard tummy tuck, a long incision will be made into the abdomen. This incision runs above the pubic area in a curved shape. A second incision is also made to remove your belly button. Once the incisions are made, the surgeon pulls the tummy muscles together and stitches them into place. Any excess fat will then be removed, and the belly button will be re-positioned. Excess skin is also removed and your remaining skin pulled into place. The incisions made at the beginning of the procedure are finally closed using surgical stitches.
Modified tummy tuck
The modified tummy tuck takes place below the belly button, meaning that the belly button is not affected. The excess fat and skin are removed and the tummy muscles tightened as in the standard procedure.
After surgery you will find that your tummy is swollen and sore and swelling and bruising will persist for several weeks. You will be given a tight support garment to assist with the healing process and this will need to be worn for up to six weeks. Once the garment is removed, you will be able to see improvements in your appearance immediately, though it may take a number of months before your stomach settles completely.
After the procedure, it can take between 10 and 20 days before you are able to do light activities without any discomfort. You are advised not to do vigorous activity for a further six weeks.
The price of a tummy tuck begins at around £5,000.
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