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Endermologie™ is used to treat and improve cellulite, which occurs mainly on the thighs and the hips. It is a non-surgical procedure and therefore is suited to those who do not wish to treat cellulite surgically.
Endermologie™ is used to treat and improve cellulite, which occurs mainly on the thighs and the hips. It is a non-surgical procedure and therefore is suited to those who do not wish to treat cellulite surgically. Whilst Endermologie™ primary goal is to improve the appearance of cellulite, it also has the potential to improve circulation, the appearance of skin radiance and tone, as well as relieving muscular aches.
On consultation, patients will be able to discuss the process of Endermologie™, what is involved, how long the treatment will take and any questions they may have concerning cellulite, and the procedure. Each patient is unique and therefore consultation is an important pre-treatment period in fully understanding the non-surgical procedure. Treatment areas will be discussed and examined.
The Endermologie™ procedure uses a high-tech piece of equipment called the Cellu M6. It works by massaging targeted cellulite areas in a rolling motion. Each treatment lasts approximately 30-50 minutes, and many patients will choose to have 1-2 treatments per week. Depending on your unique consultation, and treatment plan, the recommended Endermologie™ cellulite treatments are between 6-10 to produce effective results.
Endermologie™ treatment should not be painful. Depending on the sensitivity of the skin, minor bruising may appear and a tingling sensation can be felt from the vibrations of the Cellu M6, due to the increased blood flow in the treatment area. Most patients find the massaging treatment technique a relaxing experience.
Ultimately, Endermologie™ cellulite treatment breaks down unwanted fat (fat cells beneath our skin which cause cellulite trapping toxins and retaining water), water and toxins by massaging and improving lymphatic drainage.
Results vary from patient to patient. Usually, 6-10 sessions will last for a few months, with enhancements every month to maintain results.
Endermologie™ has shown to not only improve the appearance of cellulite, but increased circulation, restoration of collagen function and improved lymphatic drainage (process of waste products away from the tissues and back towards the heart) which in turn has limited body toxins creating a healthier body system.
Endermologie™ procedure creates firmer, toned and smoother skin, delays the signs of ageing through tightening loose skin and muscles.
After treatment, patients may find themselves needing to rush to the bathroom. This is a good sign as it shows your body is ridding of toxins, fat deposits and excess fluid. It is sign the lymphatic system has been stimulated.
Endermologie™ is not a weight loss programme. It treats and improves cellulite and can enhance overall skin appearance. Cellulite cannot be prevented; however, a poor diet and lifestyle will only worsen signs. It is important to keep and maintain a healthy lifestyle, regular exercise and avoid wearing tight clothes to maintain the best results from Endermologie™ treatments.
Cost depends on individual and level of treatment, and treatment areas. This can all be discussed on consultation. Usually, treatment costs vary between £40-£80 per treatment.
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