For a quarter of a century, Gallions Reach has established a reputation for delivering dental excellence to people in the Greenwich area across a full range of Private and NHS services. Read more
For a quarter of a century, Gallions Reach has established a reputation for delivering dental excellence to people in the Greenwich area across a full range of services.
Many dentists in our area refer patients who require more advanced work to our highly-qualified staff. In this role we provide general dentists with an additional tier of dedicated expertise for potentially life-changing treatments that they would not normally undertake themselves
All our patients, whether NHS or private, benefit from precisely the same high level of dental expertise, facilities and overall care. The sole difference lies in the range of treatments we offer. However with more complex procedures readily available in house, we are happy for NHS patients to ‘upgrade’ as and when they choose
From our clinic in Thamesmead we offer services including – in addition to general dentistry – dental sedation for nervous patients, implant placements and a range of cosmetic dental treatments.
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