A new study has found applying a fluoride varnish to children’s teeth is more effective than applying fissure sealants.
The survey compared the results of applying fluoride varnish to children’s teeth and applying fissure sealants in an attempt to reduce tooth decay in those aged six-seven.
It found that over three years, applying the varnish to children’s teeth could save the NHS more than £68 per child.
‘Our research has shown that the fluoride varnish does prevent tooth decay just as well as a more difficult and expensive treatment,’ Professor Chestnutt, who led the study from Cardiff University School of Dentistry, said.
‘Fluoride varnish is simple to apply and requires less complex intervention than that required for placing plastic sealants.
‘This study provides invaluable evidence for National Health Service dental services in the UK and has implications for dental prevention around the world.’
The study was published in the Journal of Dental Research.